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What do our idea and our brand of “ecopernic” mean?

Copernicans = revolutionaries, so ecopernicans = revolutionaries in ecology area, and this created a brand “ecopernic” 🙂

Our motto is “Give yourself and others a little joy at eco-compensation.  Like planting a new tree(s) with us. Be proud that! Even if it’s a small contribution, it’s your personal and important contribution, every such action makes sense!”

This is revolution of thinking, then: 

ecopernic == eco revolution in Copernican style == ECOperNIC

ECOperNIC means also Ecology per Numbers of Innovation Cost, regarding the above idea and how we measure an ecological cost of using tech innovation in our live (look at our products and general description on the main page of this e-store).

Eco revolution in Copernican style means:
“Copernic changed radically philosophical point of view that no more our Earth is most important in the whole cosmos, the expanded (solar) system must be analysed. We mean our ‘ecopernic’ activity as a mission where we offer eco tools supporting the global and ongoing radical change for point of view for technology usage on the Earth at human activity. We support the global and social trend that more important than the-best-human-technology, will be every ongoing and real ecological compensation for the costs of this technology usage. We concentrate not only for eco-compensation for flights by aeroplanes or travels by trains, but we aim on delivery also solutions for various eco compensation solutions for many other technological mass sources of the carbon path and global warming – such as global internet/computer networks (e-networks) and their applications (including virtual currencies), new state-of-the art technology (innovative), civilian use of cars and everyday life in general.”
Be an ecopernican revolutionst and stimulate eco-compensation at usage of the modern technology. For you, your family and for future of other people on the Earth. Look at our current and planned tools of such eco-compensation.

Funny explaining it: “we support a change of eco-behaviour during using technology like Copernic changed the behaviour of cosmos during using the Earth”.

Find relevant eco-compensation for each of your living action, from our e-store here.

Additional note:

ECOperNIC project started few days after 550th anniversary of birth of famous Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernic (or Copernicus), and this is also something like a kind of tribute to this genius. The revolutionary work of this our great countryman was our inspiration to change something in the thinking about eco-cost of using tehcnology by ordinary people. Copernic created his several scientist theories (heliocentric one, monetary one and some in the area of law) in Mariusz’s (and his family) homeregion Warmia (polish) – Ernland (german). Warmia was an important border-zone with capital city Olsztyn (polish) (Allenstein – german) as a strictly Polish part near to cities of the Teutonic fiefdoms that were part of Prussia under lenno of the Kingdom of Poland, that time.  Copernic was the greatest Revolutionary and the greatest Scientist in the history of Warmia, so also a brand of ecopernic is important for the team behind this project as they were born in Warmia 🙂

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