Look at the planting certificate PDF and see what the planting number is.
Look at this real example of the certificate no. : 1680574280
2. You can always check the authenticity of the certificate
Go to check the cert is authenticate. Fill in the number from your PDF cert: https://posadzimy.pl/sprawdz-certyfikat
3. Check in which certified forest your tree is/will be planted?
Go to website https://posadzimy.pl/firma/ecopernic and scroll down to the section “Nasze sadzenia”.
Look where your certificate is mentioned? For example above cert no. 1680574280 is mentioned in the section “Sadzenie nr 2 Certyfikaty od n-ru 1680494141 do n-ru 1680576756”, because the no. 1680574280 is between 1680494141 and 1680576756 like in the below view:
As you can see a tree from the cert no. 1680574280 a tree was planted in the part “WIOSNA 2023”.
4. After you found your part of planting your tree.
When you did find your part of planting a tree, you can obtain more detailed information about where the exact planting acuion is, here:
WIOSNA 2023 is described in this link https://posadzimy.pl/terminy-sadzen/wiosna-2023/
JESIEŃ 2023 is described in this link https://posadzimy.pl/terminy-sadzen/jesien-2023/
That’s all 🙂